Knapp Genealogy


Edward Gustav Wesala

Gravestone says Edward Gustav Wesala; Am Grabstein steht Edward GustavWesala.

Senia Lydia Wuollet

Gravestone says Senia Lydia Wesala; Am Grabstein steht Senia Lydia Wesala.

Janice May Wesala

Janice was not married; Janice war nicht verheiratet.

Gravestone says Janice M. Wesala; Am Grabstein steht Janice M. Wesala.

According to _Pages of Time_ (1998), p. 70 (in the first half of 1959):
"Hannah Matson, one of Miss Patricia Rooney's eighth-grade students, wentto Minneapolis to represent Sebeka in the state spelling contestsponsored by the _Minneapolis Tribune_. The [Sebeka, Minnesota] _Review_said she had been hard-pressed to win by Janice Wesala, a hard-workingfifth grader."