NAME: (Hofer) (#206)
pers. Cäcilia Loidl.
Mutter der Hofer-Buam
Ebensee 42 (Stegmann-Haus; Buchegger)
NAME: (Hofer) (#206)
pers. Cäcilia Loidl.
Mutter der Hofer-Buam
Geburtsjahr lt. Grabstein; birth year according to gravestone: 1900
Edgar Knapp was retired from the Navy with a distinguished record. Atthe time of his death, he was operating a farm, his own. On his farm heraised beef cattle (about 50 a year), feeder rabbits for restaurants andfeed corn and hay for his own cattle and for sale to other farmers. Hisfarm also included: ducks & geese, chickens for eating and eggs, two milkcows, two riding horses, night crawlers (in bins under the rabbithutches, sold for fish bait), several dogs and a few cats; it was a hellof a neat place. He was also a heck of a gardener. He once grew thestate record pumpkin for the state of Tennessee. It weighed 385 lbs.
--submitted by son Mark Knapp