Knapp Entry in Savage's First Settlers of New England |
One of the most quoted books in New England genealogy was written
by James Savage (1784-1873) from 1860 to 1862 and appeared in four
volumes. It also includes the Nicholas Knapp line. Nicholas Knapp
(1592-1670) is my 9th great-grandfather and earliest known Knapp
ancestor. He came to America from England in 1630.
The entire citation is as follows:
Savage, James, 1860-62, A genealogical dictionary of the first settlers of New England, showing three generations of those who came before May, 1692, on the basis of Farmer's Register. 4 volumes. 25 cm. Boston, Little, Brown and Company.
The Knapp entry appeared in volume 3 on pages 33-34. Here are GIF images of the 2 pages:
These images are from Making of America Books. There you can also find PDF versions. At the time of writing only volumes 1, 3 and 4 were available there. See further versions below.
Following is a transcription (HTML version) of the Knapp entry:
KNAPP, AARON, Taunton 1643, may have been f. of Eliz. wh. m. 17
Feb. 1674, Nicholas Stoughton; and beside had Mary, bapt. at Rox-
bury, 20 Nov. 1659; and he d. bef. 1676. Baylies, II. 267, 278.
CALEB, Stamford, s. of Nicholas, freem. 1670, made his will 11 Dec.
1674, d. soon. He names w. Hannah, and ch. Caleb, wh. was b. 1661;
John, 1664; Moses; Samuel; Sarah; and Hannah. JAMES, Water-
town 1652, s. of William the first, b. in Eng. m. Eliz. d. of John
Warren, had Eliz. b. 21 Apr. 1655; and James, 26 May 1657, wh. d.
26 Sept. foll. In the autumn of 1671, at Groton, where he then liv. his
w. suffer. terrib. by witchcraft, if the trifling story in the Magn. VI. 67,
is good for any thing. JOHN, Watertown, br. of the preced. m. 25 May
1660, Sarah Young, had John, b. 4 May 1661; and Sarah, 5 Sept.
1662; and sev. others, for his will of 22 Jan. 1696, pro. 27 Apr. foll.
tho. it names not either of these, wh. were, perhaps, d. ment. wid. Sarah,
and ch. Henry, Isaac, John, Daniel, and Abigail. JOHN, Taunton, m.
7 Oct. 1685, Sarah Austin. Possib. he was s. of the preced. JONA-
THAN, Fairfield, s. of the first Roger, d. young, for his inv. is of 1 Feb.
1676. JOSHUA, Greenwich 1670, s. of Nicholas, m. 9 June 1657, at
Stamford, Hannah Close, had good est. by inv. of 1685, tho. he d. 27
Oct. 1684, leav. ch. Hannah, aged 25; Joshua, 22; Joseph, 20; Ruth,
18; Timothy, 16; Benjamin, 10; Caleb, 7; Jonathan, 5. His wid. m.
John Bowers. MOSES, Greenwich 1670, br. of the preced. prob.
youngest, but perhaps was only a ld. holder, and never liv. at G. but at
Stamford as early as 1667, and there his f. gave him ld. by his will; m.
a. 1669, Abigail, d. of Richard Wescoat. Whether he had ch. I am not
advis. but he was liv. certain. at S. up to 1701, perhaps later. NICHO-
LAS, Watertown, may have come in the fleet with Winth. and Saltonstall
1630, by w. Elinor had Jonathan, wh. was bur. 27 Dec. 1631; Timothy,
b. 14 Dec. 1632; Joshua, 5 Jan. 1635; Caleb, 20 Jan. 1637; Sarah, 5
Jan. 1639; Ruth, 6 Jan. 1641; and Hannah, 6 Mar. 1643; rem. to
Stamford, there, I suppose; had Moses, and Lydia. His w. Elinor d. 16
Aug. 1658, and he m. 9 Mar. foll. Unity, wid. of Peter Brown, wh. had
been wid. of Clement Buxton; d. Apr. 1670. His will of 15 of that
mo. names four s. Caleb, Joshua, Moses, Timothy; and four ds. Sarah,
Hannah, Lydia, and Ruth. Sarah m. 6 Sept. 1667, Peter Disbrough;
and Ruth m. 20 Nov. foll. Joseph Ferris. ROGER, New Haven 1643-7,
Fairfield 1656-70, and prob. later, had made his will 21 Mar. 1673,
nam. w. Eliz. and ch. Jonathan, Josiah, Lydia, Roger, John, Nathaniel,
Eliz. and Mary, some of wh. were minors, and his inv. is of 20 Sept.
1675. ROGER, Fairfield, s. of the preced. d. 1691, but no acco. is
found of his fam. THOMAS, Sudbury, m. at Watertown, 19 Sept. 1688,
Mary, d. of John Grout, and d. beyond sea, leav. wid. and ch. Sarah, aged
9 yrs. and Mary, 6, when admin. was issu. 28 May 1697. * TIMOTHY,
Stamford, s. perhaps eldest, of Nicholas, rep. for Rye 1670, was of
Greenwich, liv. 1697. In that century a single p was used. WILLIAM,
Watertown 1636, d. 30 Aug. 1658, "aged a. 80 yrs." Perhaps he came
as early as Nicholas; and had, in his will of 1655, not nam. any w. but
refer. to ch. of wh. sev. were brot. by him from Eng. and to His ch.
were William; Mary; Eliz.; John, b. 1624; James, 1627; Ann; and
Judith. Mary m. Thomas Smith; Eliz. m. in Eng. a Buttery; Ann m.
Thomas Philbrick, but d. bef. her f. wh. in his will names her childr.;
and Judith m. Nicholas Cady. WILLIAM, Watertown, s. of the preced.
by w. Mary had prob. Joseph, beside Priscilla, b. 10 Nov. 1642; and by
w. Margaret had Judith, b. 2 Mar. 1653; Eliz. 23 July 1657; and,
perhaps, others; left wid. Priscilla, wh. had been wid. of Thomas Akers,
and s. John. Three of this name had, in 1829, been gr. at Harv. and
as many at other N. E. coll.
That's rather hard to read, of course, so here's a cleaned up version. I removed the line breaks, expanded the abbreviations except the names of months, and made each Knapp first name into a bulleted list entry:
- KNAPP, AARON, Taunton 1643, may have been father of Elizabeth who married 17 Feb. 1674, Nicholas Stoughton; and beside had Mary, baptized at Roxbury, 20 Nov. 1659; and he died before 1676. Baylies, II. 267, 278.
- CALEB, Stamford, son of Nicholas, freeman 1670, made his will 11 Dec. 1674, died soon. He names wife Hannah, and children Caleb, who was born 1661; John, 1664; Moses; Samuel; Sarah; and Hannah.
- JAMES, Watertown 1652, son of William the first, born in England married Elizabeth daughter of John Warren, had Elizabeth born 21 Apr. 1655; and James, 26 May 1657, who died 26 Sept. following. In the autumn of 1671, at Groton, where he then lived his wife suffered terribly by witchcraft, if the trifling story in the Magn. VI. 67, is good for any thing.
- JOHN, Watertown, brother of the preceding married 25 May 1660, Sarah Young, had John, born 4 May 1661; and Sarah, 5 Sept. 1662; and several others, for his will of 22 Jan. 1696, probate 27 Apr. following though it names not either of these, who were, perhaps, dead mentions widow Sarah, and children Henry, Isaac, John, Daniel, and Abigail.
- JOHN, Taunton, married 7 Oct. 1685, Sarah Austin. Possibly he was son of the preceding.
- JONATHAN, Fairfield, son of the first Roger, died young, for his inventory is of 1 Feb. 1676.
- JOSHUA, Greenwich 1670, son of Nicholas, married 9 June 1657, at Stamford, Hannah Close, had good estate by inventory of 1685, though he died 27 Oct. 1684, leaving children Hannah, aged 25; Joshua, 22; Joseph, 20; Ruth, 18; Timothy, 16; Benjamin, 10; Caleb, 7; Jonathan, 5. His widow married John Bowers.
- MOSES, Greenwich 1670, brother of the preceding probably youngest, but perhaps was only a land holder, and never lived at Greenwich but at Stamford as early as 1667, and there his father gave him land by his will; married about 1669, Abigail, daughter of Richard Wescoat. Whether he had children I am not advised but he was living certainly at Stamford up to 1701, perhaps later.
- NICHOLAS, Watertown, may have come in the fleet with Winthrop and Saltonstall 1630, by wife Elinor had Jonathan, who was buried 27 Dec. 1631; Timothy, born 14 Dec. 1632; Joshua, 5 Jan. 1635; Caleb, 20 Jan. 1637; Sarah, 5 Jan. 1639; Ruth, 6 Jan. 1641; and Hannah, 6 Mar. 1643; removed to Stamford, there, I suppose; had Moses, and Lydia. His wife Elinor died 16 Aug. 1658, and he married 9 Mar. following Unity, widow of Peter Brown, who had been widow of Clement Buxton; died Apr. 1670. His will of 15 of that month names four sons Caleb, Joshua, Moses, Timothy; and four daughters Sarah, Hannah, Lydia, and Ruth. Sarah married 6 Sept. 1667, Peter Disbrough; and Ruth married 20 Nov. following Joseph Ferris.
- ROGER, New Haven 1643-7, Fairfield 1656-70, and probably later, had made his will 21 Mar. 1673, named wife Elizabeth and children Jonathan, Josiah, Lydia, Roger, John, Nathaniel, Elizabeth and Mary, some of whom were minors, and his inventory is of 20 Sept. 1675.
- ROGER, Fairfield, son of the preceding died 1691, but no account is found of his family.
- THOMAS, Sudbury, married at Watertown, 19 Sept. 1688, Mary, daughter of John Grout, and died beyond sea, leaving widow and children Sarah, aged 9 years and Mary, 6, when administration was issued 28 May 1697.
- * TIMOTHY, Stamford, son perhaps eldest, of Nicholas, representative for Rye 1670, was of Greenwich, living 1697. In that century a single p was used.
- WILLIAM, Watertown 1636, died 30 Aug. 1658, "aged about 80 years." Perhaps he came as early as Nicholas; and had, in his will of 1655, not named any wife but referred to children of whom several were brought by him from England and to grandchildren. His children were William; Mary; Elizabeth; John, born 1624; James, 1627; Ann; and Judith. Mary married Thomas Smith; Elizabeth married in England a Buttery; Ann married Thomas Philbrick, but died before her father who in his will names her children; and Judith married Nicholas Cady.
- WILLIAM, Watertown, son of the preceding by wife Mary had probably Joseph, beside Priscilla, born 10 Nov. 1642; and by wife Margaret had Judith, born 2 Mar. 1653; Elizabeth 23 July 1657; and, perhaps, others; left widow Priscilla, who had been widow of Thomas Akers, and son John.
- Three of this name had, in 1829, been graduated at Harvard and as many at other New England colleges.
As mentioned the GIF images above are from Making of America Books. There you will also find PDF versions of the images and OCR text versions of volumes 1, 3 and 4.
Here is an HTML version of all four volumes. However, there are some mistakes due to the OCR done on it. Still it is a great help for anyone searching their early New England roots, and the text is better than at Making of America Books.
A print version of the book is available here.
Copyright © 2001-08 Robbin D. Knapp